Saturday, November 3, 2007

I'm Ready for My Close Up Mr. DeMille.

Mummy's Little Angel

Ooooh...That's Soooo Funny!

Mummy's Nose is Definitely Bigger Than Mine!

Maya, posing in her "I'm on the phone" pose.

Maya's First Bath at Home

Here's My Crib Companion Everybody.

I've Got a Secret...

Eeew...Who Let One Out?

Getting Accustomed to Her Face

Maya has been home with us since Sunday and it has been quite an experience. Brad and I are so lucky to have our mothers a phone call away. My mother came to spend a whole week with us, and as I write this, I have just said goodbye to her. The funny thing is that she lives a whole 37 seconds away by car, and I feel that she has left to go home miles away. I guess we never stop needing our mothers. She on the other hand left with a heavy heart as she will miss waking up with Maya, holding her at every chance she got, and just enjoying her ever-changing expressions. My Mum will just have to come by every day for a cup of tea and a shot of Maya.
As I said, we've been home from the hospital for five days now, and we have experienced quite a bit. Maya is truly a blessed child; she cries only for her milk and if she has a dirty diaper. She sleeps during the day, and I have just begun to learn how valuable that is in terms of me getting much needed rest, and getting things done around the house. Brad took to Maya like a duck takes to water. He had to care for me, and her, while I was recovering from my C-Section. Diaper duty, bottle feedings, caring for a nauseated me, administering pain medication, dealing with hormonal highs and lows, getting the house "babified", running errands, getting up for night feedings, and learning how to use the breast pump (on me, not him!) - to summarize, my Brad has been my rock.
Maya is the queen of expression and she can entertain us for hours with her smiles and coos, and funny faces. Her eyes have such focus and when I talk to her she stares deep into my eyes and sucks me in. Never have I experienced such emotions as when Maya looks at me. I see her love and devotion to me and in return I want to give my life to her. The best time I have with her is when I feed her. I hold her close to my heart and feel her feeding, and when she's done, the sleepy look of satisfaction on her face is to die for. It is now time for my nap; Maya is resting, and I should take heed to all the advice I've been given, and get some shuteye.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Maya Rose is Here

Maya Rose Smith was born on Wednesday, October 24th at 12:37 p.m. at the Encino-Tarzana Regional Medical Center. She weighed 7lbs 14oz and measured at 19.5 inches long. Maya has thick black hair, blue-gray eyes, and rosebud lips. She looks like a lot like her father, but has a few of my features. Maya was born by C-Section after being in labor for about ten hours. We are home today after four night stay and we are so glad to be home!