Maya turned 5 months on Monday, and on Tuesday, we went in for her monthly checkup. She now weighs 14lbs and measures 25.5 inches. Dr. Paz was very happy with her development. At this point, Maya laughs loudly when you play Peek-a-Boo with her; she giggles when you tickle her chest and behind her ears. Over the last few months, the sounds she made consisted of vowels, but now, you can hear consonants. She loves to say "mmmmmmmm" and when really upset, she screams "mmmmaaaaaaahh". Maya has finally discovered that Lulu is a living being. Her eyes follow her as she moves across the room, and she reaches out to touch her. Maya has started eating mushy vegetables. We started her out with sweet potatoes and she now has also tried mushy peas. She guzzled down the potatoes, and eats her peas unwillingly. In addition, she has 24 ounces of formula. Sometimes, if she seems really hungry, she gets a bit of rice cereal. Over the last few days, we noticed that Maya has really started teething. She chews her gums, and seems to be in a lot of pain. Dr. Paz noticed the shape of the teeth, but on Friday (March 28) it was obvious that her two bottom, front teeth had broken through the gums...they are sharp and she readily bites down on your finger, but they are definitely out. What a trip!

Maya is such a joy. I am on Spring Break for two weeks and Betty is on vacation. Spending my whole day with her has taught me so much...patience, an insane amount of love, silliness, the desire to just laugh, time planning, preparing for Plan B, and most of all, the LOVE OF BEING A MOTHER!