Saturday, January 26, 2008

Mummy and Me Time

Maya and I got a chance to enjoy the break in the rain this morning. It was a crisp, cool, sunny, California day and we headed out to Calabasas. Our first stop was the Babies 'r Us where we picked up a couple of goodies. Maya is quite the little traveler and as a result is a frequent house guest, so we picked up a Pack 'n Play that allows her to take a nap at any house we visit. We also picked up some teething toys and yet another batch of silicon nipples. For some reason, we seem to loose these clear nipples at the rate of one a day.
After Babies 'r Us, we sauntered over to the Calabasas Commons. It was tough to decide on what to have for lunch, but we finally settled on tacos at La Salsa. We found a sunny spot near the water fountain and ate our lunch there. Off in the distance, we could see the snow covered mountains...they were beautiful. The sky started clouding over, so before it go too cold, we packed our stuff and walked back to the car; however, not before we got our picture taken. On our way back, Barnes and Noble kept beckoning us. We walked in to take a look at the children's section and saw that there were cozy spots where parents could read to their kids. After browsing the shelves, we decided that it was time to head home.
What a great day we had, the two of us, and we look forward to our next adventure.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

The Quarter Year Mark

My Dearest Maya Rose:
Today you have turned three months and so much has happened since I last wrote you. I am now back a work full time and miss you terribly, but when I get home, you recognize me as your Mummy, or at least as someone special, and I feel so loved. You are full of giggles and laughs, and when you have a story to tell, you can gurgle for hours. It is amazing how you go from screaming bloody murder to smiling in seconds, and when you cry, there are such huge tears that well up in your eyes. Your bottom lip has begun to pout when you are upset, and I think that you have discovered how much this makes Mummy sad.
We took you to the doctor today and your stats are great. Your neck muscles and back muscles are strong - thanks to Gramma Betty's tummy time diligence. You are now 12lbs 4oz and 23.5 inches long. Your hair is falling off a bit and your hairline is receding, but Dr. Glenn said that this was normal. It still breaks my heart when you get your monthly shots, but this time, Daddy was kind enough to comfort you while the nurse poked you. You were a brave little girl and did not cry too much. Your teeth are beginning to come through and although you feel some pain, you have been very tolerant of the owies. Formula is still your meal of choice, but Daddy and I have been sneaking in little tastes of teriyaki, curry, whipped cream, chocolate, veggie soup, beef stew, and a few other goodies.
It is so much fun having you around. We have our morning time together before Daddy wakes up and you gurgle and coo as I empty the dishwasher and get dinner ready. Our feeding times are still special, but they are getting shorter because you do your business and are ready to head back to bed. Reading to you is more fun now because you look at the book and seem attentive. I can't wait until you understand the story.
Well, my little Bonkuli, lots of good times ahead...lots of rainy days indoors watching old movies, sunny days outside taking long walks, trips to all the local children's hangout outs, shopping for shoes at the mall, and by God, I will get you on a carousel while you are me, they are lots of fun.
I love you and as I write this, am glad that you are laying down and relaxing so that I can take a longed-for shower.
Love xoxoxoxox
Mum the Bum!