Saturday, January 5, 2008

My Dearest Maya:
Howdu Bonku? That has been my greeting to you for the last couple of weeks. What a holiday season you have had. I am thrilled to know that some of your first memories will be of Christmas. You were definitely blessed this Christmas, spiritually and with goodies. I think that our morning prayer song has worked since you are keeping healthy, are growing strong, and more beautiful than ever. You are still a sweet little girl with the angel face.
Some new things have happened have developed tears. This is something that I am sure God created so that you could tug at your Mom's heartstrings. Wailing and wailing to the point of coughing is another development. It's interesting how you will cry and cry as if the world has come to an end, but as soon as you see your Mom coming to pick you up, it all comes to an end, and the biggest smile lights up your face.
I now definitely know your patterns of eating, sleeping, and pooping. You are strongly opposed to being left in a wet diaper, and when you are hungry, the earth stops turning and milk is heated. I love the way you have begun to chatter in this cute kitten-like voice. You are quite the chatterbox and eventhough you chose the wee hours of the morning to chat, I still love conversing with you. It seems as if we have our little language and we understand each other perfectly. We are slowly developing our traditions of reading in the morning and when I go back to work on Monday, I will ask Grammy B. to follow up on that. You also are responding to lots of other things - you love the rattle on your cradle and you like your little dolly.
Your eyes are now a dark gray and your hair is still dark brown. Your eyebrows are coming in and they too will be dark. As for your hair, well that's a whole other story. It has no rhyme or reason to the way it sets...after a bath you look like Leonard Bernstein, and then five minutes later it's a straight mess. Well, that will be our common bond...great hair that does nothing much.
Well, I'm off to put away the last of the Christmas presents that Santa brought us. Take care Nosie're headed toward the three month mark in strong shape.

Monday, December 31, 2007


To all our friends and family around the world - may 2008 bring you good health, happiness, peace, and love.