Maya is within the 87 percentile with regard to her growth and the doctor is very impressed with how well she is developing. When taking measurements of her brain, we were told to "save our pennies because this child is going to Harvard." Brad prefers MIT, but I think we'll take what we can get - after all, Harvard is only one of the best. Maya has long arms and long legs, and with her hair developing, the doctor also saw that she will have long eyelashes. It amazes me how much they can tell from one of these ultrasounds. After being bothered some more, Maya finally gave us some nice 3D portraiture. She was smiling the entire time and I thought I heard her say, "All right, Mr. DeMille, I'm ready for my close-up." When she smiled, the doctor pointed out some cute dimples. Now I know that we are biased because she's our angel, but isn't she just a beautiful baby?
Maya is right on schedule, but weight-wise, she's a week ahead in development. This probably has to do with the gestational diabetes, but doctor said that I am doing well sticking to my diet and exercising, and that my sugar levels were good. Her projected weight, at birth is 8lbs 12oz - a number that is beginning to freak me out a bit.