Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Gestational Diabetes

Before I was pregnant with Maya, I knew what diabetes was, but did not know that there was a specific type known as Gestational Diabetes. Apparently, this type occurs during pregnancy, and is usually discovered after a sugar test at the 20 week period. I took my first sugar test, and expected it to come back normal. After all, I was not extremely overweight, had been watching my diet, and exercising. The test came back abnormal and I had to go in for a 3 hour sugar test where I sat in the lab for 3 hours, drank a horrible sugar solution, and had blood drawn every 45 minutes. When that test came back abnormal, I was told that I had gestational diabetes and had to cut out all sugar from my diet.
According to Wikipedia, Gestational diabetes (GDM) is a form of diabetes that affects pregnant women who have never had diabetes before. There is no known specific cause, but it's believed that the hormones produced during pregnancy reduce a woman's receptivity to insulin resulting in high blood sugar. My doctor told me that I could control this diabetes by diet, but I had to be very dedicated to striking out all sugary foods, lower my carbohydrate intake, and keep exercising. I took her words to heart and have stuck to my diet. I get to prick myself four times a day so that I can test my sugar level and so far, all numbers are within range. There is a great nutritionist assisting me and we meet once a week to chart my progress. I have learned to eat smaller portions and to substitute sugary foods (or foods that are high in starch) with other healthier options. So far Maya's weight is within good range and I have not gained an enormous amount of weight either.

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