Maya, Shamai, Grammy B., and I went shopping this evening to avoid the sweltering Valley temperatures. It was 108 degrees outside, so the cool, recycled air of the mall was extremely inviting. The goal was to grab some dinner, take a quick walk, then head home; however, as most plans go, this one changed. When we entered the mall, there was the two-story carousel, towering over us little people, and playing that oh-so-enticing music. I had vowed, that at $3 per two-minute ride, I was never going to be a patron, but alas, Maya thought otherwise. Through the kindness of Shamai, we bought a token, stood in line, and boarded the carousel. The giraffe figure seemed most inviting, so I belted Maya in, and held on to her as she took her first carousel ride...awake.

After the carousel ride, we took on the adventure of shoe shopping (not for me, but for Maya Rose). Stride Rite was our first stop based on their 80-year old good reputation. Maya was not a happy camper, so it was just one pair of shoes that we tried on...I guess she didn't get my genes in the shoe department. Pretty pair of white shoes bought and off we were to other mall adventures. Maya's first shoe experience was quiet a good one.