Saturday, November 17, 2007

No Country For Old Men...Do Bearded Ones Count?

The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors. Tonight we decided to head to the movies to watch No Country For Old Men, a movie that got straight A's from the critics and from moviegoers. Shapai and Shamai were kind enough to look after Maya for a couple of hours. After bundling her up and taking her over the the grandparents, we headed over to the Woodland Hills AMC for our movie. As expected, it was crowded with teenie boppers and overzealous moviegoers, and the only seats available were those that wreck havoc on the necks, way up front in the theater. After getting a quick refund, we raced over to the Arclight in Hollywood only to find out that the movie was sold out. So, no old men for us tonight, at least not the type that we thought. After driving all the way to Hollywood, we decided not to waste our night, so we drove around a bit and stopped at the Kodak complex. It was there that I found my new favorite old man...Beard Papa. (
What is Beard Papa? Well, it's a Japanese phenomenon that Brad introduced me to earlier this week. Beard Papas are decadent cream puffs - large flaky shells filled will the smoothest vanilla, chocolate, caramel, strawberry, or mango creams. There are only three stores in southern California, and one was staring right at us at the Kodak complex. We walked in, got our Beard Papas (I had a caramel flavored one and Brad had chocolate), topped it off with milk, and called it a night. So we didn't get to see No Country For Old Men, but if we had, I would have not had my Beard Papa tonight.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

The Dreaded Poop Story

Maya has been on a consistent diet of breast milk and formula, and from the time she was born, it was a known fact that a poopy diaper awaited us before and after every feeding. This week has been a little different as the poopy diapers are few and far between. Mummy has even gone as far as praying for poop to ensure that Maya was not constipated. Well, Mummy's prayers were answered yesterday, on Daddy's lap. As he was feeding her, he could feel the depth chargers being released, and the nuclear reactors being activated, but nothing readied him for what he saw in that diaper. Daddy walked back from the nursery, Maya in his arms, looking like a zombie. It was as if he had gone to Chernobyl and back. He ensured me that my prayers were definitely answered and that Maya had well made up for being poopless. The motions are now regular, feedings still on schedule, and as I write this, Maya sleeps peacefully in her swing. My, how the focus of my prayers has changed.
Instead of burdening you with a picture of the nuclear accident that our nursery suffered yesterday, I have opted for a bath time snap. Enjoy.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Brad Goes Off to Work...

Today Brad left for work after being home with us for 18 days. I was not looking forward to today because Brad has been a strong source of support in getting adjusted to life with Maya. My fear was that I would not be able to deal with diaper or feeding crises without him as he has been a yell away for the last three weeks. I also feared the loneliness I would feel being alone with Maya. Last night, I did all the feeding and diaper changes so that Brad would have a night of uninterrupted sleep before heading back to work. I felt sleep deprived and exhausted when he left, but Maya and I lay down together and got three more hours of sleep. Well, I am more than happy to say that the day went pretty smoothly. Maya and I got along just fine. After a couple of hours of not being able to put her down to sleep, Grandma Betty came over and gave me a bit of a breather. I took a longed for shower, had a bite of lunch, and got a chance to wind down. Maya lay down to sleep after a new 5oz record of milk. She is growing so fast and is looking like the prettiest little girl. Maya slept for most of the afternoon and I got to clean up the house a bit, organize all her paperwork, get started on her photo album, and even put some dinner in the oven.
I've got to give myself more credit as a mother, and have faith that I can take care of our little girl well. Luckily, I have Grandma Betty at close hand, and a Bubu who will be home in an hour and a half.