Saturday, November 17, 2007

No Country For Old Men...Do Bearded Ones Count?

The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors. Tonight we decided to head to the movies to watch No Country For Old Men, a movie that got straight A's from the critics and from moviegoers. Shapai and Shamai were kind enough to look after Maya for a couple of hours. After bundling her up and taking her over the the grandparents, we headed over to the Woodland Hills AMC for our movie. As expected, it was crowded with teenie boppers and overzealous moviegoers, and the only seats available were those that wreck havoc on the necks, way up front in the theater. After getting a quick refund, we raced over to the Arclight in Hollywood only to find out that the movie was sold out. So, no old men for us tonight, at least not the type that we thought. After driving all the way to Hollywood, we decided not to waste our night, so we drove around a bit and stopped at the Kodak complex. It was there that I found my new favorite old man...Beard Papa. (
What is Beard Papa? Well, it's a Japanese phenomenon that Brad introduced me to earlier this week. Beard Papas are decadent cream puffs - large flaky shells filled will the smoothest vanilla, chocolate, caramel, strawberry, or mango creams. There are only three stores in southern California, and one was staring right at us at the Kodak complex. We walked in, got our Beard Papas (I had a caramel flavored one and Brad had chocolate), topped it off with milk, and called it a night. So we didn't get to see No Country For Old Men, but if we had, I would have not had my Beard Papa tonight.

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