Thursday, November 15, 2007

The Dreaded Poop Story

Maya has been on a consistent diet of breast milk and formula, and from the time she was born, it was a known fact that a poopy diaper awaited us before and after every feeding. This week has been a little different as the poopy diapers are few and far between. Mummy has even gone as far as praying for poop to ensure that Maya was not constipated. Well, Mummy's prayers were answered yesterday, on Daddy's lap. As he was feeding her, he could feel the depth chargers being released, and the nuclear reactors being activated, but nothing readied him for what he saw in that diaper. Daddy walked back from the nursery, Maya in his arms, looking like a zombie. It was as if he had gone to Chernobyl and back. He ensured me that my prayers were definitely answered and that Maya had well made up for being poopless. The motions are now regular, feedings still on schedule, and as I write this, Maya sleeps peacefully in her swing. My, how the focus of my prayers has changed.
Instead of burdening you with a picture of the nuclear accident that our nursery suffered yesterday, I have opted for a bath time snap. Enjoy.

1 comment:

Kari and Randy Adopt said...

Ah yes, the world now revolves around ounces eaten, amount and consistency of poop and pee, and other things that have suddenly become normal!

Lovely to see your pics. You look so happy of course and Maya is beautiful. (I know Brad, how could someone so beautiful produce so much yucky poop!)