Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Biting My Nails...

Tonight Brad and I are checking into the Encino-Tarzana hospital to begin the first phase of labor inducement. I have now been off work for two days, and this has not necessarily been a good thing; my nerves get the better of me at home. This morning I went out for some last minute errands and then had a special car wash. Maya needs to come home in a freshly cleaned car. Now, it's back to biting my nails as I count the hours before we go to the hospital. All of Maya's clothes from the 0-3 month range have been washed, dried, and put away. Her closet is slightly more organized with hanging shelves and baskets. I baked cupcakes for the house and for the nurses at Tarzana, and am now creating the phone tree. As long as I keep myself busy, my nails will be saved.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Waiting for Maya Rose

Maya should ideally be here on Wednesday, and having a time so tangible brings so many thoughts to mind. There is going to be a little somebody in the cradle, a little somebody to fill the closet-full of clothes, a little girl to put her feet on the rug I just got her, and just some little body to hug close. There will be another voice in our home of two, and another choice when it comes to what to do. I am in the home stretch now. It's the first time that I have ever been excited to walk into a hospital as I will be walking out a whole new person, with a whole new person. Keep reading, we may have pictures of the little munchkin next.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Bring on the Love and Please Pass the Tea

The image “http://www.victoriangardentea.com/pinkteacup.jpg” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.Can you imagine that little Maya Rose had yet another shower. This one was thrown on Sunday, October 21. The kind faculty and staff at The Mirman School joined two other expectant mothers, and myself for a high tea, hosted by three very lovely ladies at Mirman. Hosted at a beautiful home in Playa Vista, we were treated to baby decorations, decadent sandwiches and dessert, a spot of tea, brain teasing games, and last but not least, a hamper full of presents.
We got lots of wonderful presents and Maya's closet does runneth over. The love for Maya and our family keeps coming from all those around us and for that we are so thankful!