Friday, October 12, 2007

More Frequent Check-Ups

I now see my doctors once a week, and am taking no stress tests (NSTs) twice a week. My insulin dosage has increased to 20 units, and Maya's movements are getting slower. This morning I went in to see Dr. Doany and got to see a pretty neat ultrasound. Maya was moving around and she had her umbilical cord wrapped around her finger. Periodically, she would put her finger in her mouth and play with it. Her features are pretty well defined, but the 4D pictures show her looking all squashed up. She is now weighing at 7lbs 6oz, still has long limbs, and yes, is still a girl! Dr. Doany says that Maya is a week ahead in her development, which is a good sign. All in all, we are still on track for delivery the week of October 24. Time's a tickin', and my patience is waning. Can't wait to meet this little girl.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

First Visit to Labor and Delivery

Yesterday afternoon, while I was at work, I began to feel what felt like real contractions. It was difficult to get up and walk, my stomach felt really tight, and I had a pain that went from my back to the front of my stomach, to my knees and then all the way back. I also hadn't felt Maya move in about an hour, and per the No Stress Test instructions, I was to give my doctor a call. Dr. Kahen asked me to get to Tarzana Hospital and admit myself into Labor and Delivery for observation. Since the pain was somewhat bearable, I took it upon myself to drive down to the hospital (very silly...I now know that ) and on the way, let Brad know what was going on. Deep inside I felt that it was not Maya's time, but I was not comfortable with her not moving.
Nurse Terri was quite a ball of fun - she calmed down my nerves and suggested that we go ahead and monitor my contractions as well as Maya's heart beat. Maya's heart was strong, and with Brad glued to the monitor, he knew every time a contraction would come on. We got to practice our breathing, but my electronic-obsessed husband was most fascinated with the machines in the room. Our printout showed that I was having contractions about every three minutes, but they were of very low intensity. I could feel them, but from what I understand, the "real ones" will be "really felt". After monitoring Maya some more, we were discharged and on our way home.
After some sugarless chocolate chocolate chip ice cream from Baskin Robbins, I lay down and rested for the remainder of the evening. Maya is definitely making her readiness to be born, known.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

My Letter to Maya

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Dearest Maya:
It's your Mummy here. I am in my last stretch of awaiting your arrival and besides being a little scared, I am so, so, so, very excited to meet you. There are days that I sit at work daydreaming about all the wonderful times that you are I are going to have. Getting to know each other is going to be the most fun. Thanks to the privilege I had of carrying you these past months, I have had the chance to get to know a bit of your personality and from what I can tell, you are going to be a fiery little girl. Now, let's get a few things are number one in my life and I hope that I am able to prove that to you every day. Secondly, this is my first time being a mother, so cut me a little slack as we learn this mother-daughter thing together. Lastly, all I want from you is for you to feel loved, cared for, and most of all, secure. Once we get these things established, we can conquer all that life throws at us.
You are one lucky little girl because you were created out of love, and are being born into such a world of love. You've got all your grandparents here, and you even have a great grandmother who can't wait to meet you. An extended family of uncles, aunts, great uncles, great aunts, and cousins awaits you. Just know that from the moment you were made, you were loved!
Your room is almost ready, except for some finishing touches. I think you will really like it. It's a honeydew melon green with a whimsical design of Gossamer Wings. There is a sturdy white crib, a dresser that your daddy painted for you, a closet for your rapidly growing wardrobe, and pretty curtains. Grampa Sal painted a mural outside your window so that you would have an island view.
That's it for now. I feel you moving in there, letting me know that it's time to lay down and relax. There is so much more that I want to say to you, but this will have to do for now.
Good night my little one...sweet dreams...and I will see you soon.
Your Mum.