Thursday, July 24, 2008

My Favorite Time with Rosie

Rosie wakes up between 6:30 a.m. and 7:30 a.m. after having had about 7 hours of sleep. When she first stirs, I hear a rustling of the blanket, followed by some cooing. If I have not gone to her crib by that time, I will hear a knocking sound that comes from the wooden ring that hangs by a ribbon on the side of her crib. Some time passes, and if left alone, she talks to herself, or Molly the Dolly. There are lots of "aga", "bada", "ada" sounds that emanate from within her room, going on for about 15 minutes. After I have spent my willpower to give her, her own time, I wander into her room uttering, "Is there a Maya Bird in here?" At those words, she falls back into her bed, and burrows under her blanket. I look into the closet, under the crib, in the hamper, in the chest of drawers, out the window, and finally, a surprised Mummy finds Maya playing possum under her blanket. She jumps up and I give her the tightest hug!