Thursday, February 21, 2008

A Third of the Way There

Don't try to take away my miku
I said NO, NO, NO!
Have I been bad, don't I look sad
I said NO, NO, NO!
I may lose my mind, and I not be very kind,
Don't try to take away my miku
I said NO, NO, NO!
(sung to the tune of Amy Winehouse's Rehab)
Maya is now four months, and there is such a change in her. She is more animated, talkative, and she interacts with us. Her grip has got a lot stronger and she grabs onto my hair, earrings, necklaces, actually, whatever can be grabbed. Milk is being consumed at the 8oz level, about five times a day. She is very vocal when she gets hungry, and when one tries to take away the milk bottle, to allow for burping, Maya gets louder, and reaches out to grab it back. Tummy time is no longer an exercise as she rolls right over. She grabs for toys that go straight into her mouth. As a matter of fact, everything goes in her mouth and she drools, drools, drools.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Happy Day of Love

To all our family and friends, we wish you love, joy, happiness, and peace!
The Smiths