Monday, November 26, 2007

Letter to Maya

Hello Princess Bonkuli:
I know, I know...this is a nickname that will only last until the day before you start school...I promise. I call you Princess Bonkuli because you, first and foremost, are my princess, and second, your bonkuli (butt) is so tiny and cute that it fits in the palm of my hand. It is now clear that the bump I felt protrude from my tummy was you, sticking your butt out at me.
It has been about a month since we met and what a great month it has been. You have taught me love like I have never felt before. I drown in your eyes and am brought to tears by your gurgling sounds. I missed your birth, eventhough I was there; the drugs made me loopy and I don't remember much of the day you were born. Your Daddy showed me a video of your birth and I got to experience everything, without the pain. What a cry you let out, letting us all know that you were here, and ready to live! What an attitude to start life with...I am so proud of you.
Thank your for giving me such a positive perspective when my hormones got the better of me. I would look at you when I felt like crying and my heart would well up with such warmth for you. You have been very kind to your Daddy and me with your sleep pattern. Thank you for giving us the quality of life that allows us to take care of you and ourselves.
My favorite time with you is when I feed you and you grab onto my breast, or onto my shirt. You look up at me when you feed and you talk to me with your eyes. I sometimes hear you say "Hi Mum." I love putting you on my bed after your early morning feed and snuggling with you until it's time to wake up again. You press up against me and I can feel you breathe, and as I gently caress your cheek, you coo. I love our little silly songs about burping and pooping and feeding and how you laugh when I blow on your tummy or nibble your toes.
I could go on and on, but it's time that I get some sleep before your midnight feed. Good night my Princess Bonkuli and I will see you when the clock strikes twelve.
Your Mummy