Saturday, November 24, 2007

One Month Mark

Maya Rose turned one month old today. She has changed so much since her birth. Her hair is getting long, especially around her ears and her eyelashes have thickened and got longer as well. She is more animated, if you can believe that. Her thousand expressions are still there, but some are more expressed than others. After she feeds, she turns into a mini drunken sailor with droopy eyes and a droopy mouth. There are times when I think my little girl suffers from narcolepsy because she feeds and when burping, she immediately passes out. Maya now drinks four ounces of milk every three-four hours. She sleeps between most feeds, but after her morning feed, she likes to play. After her 7:00 p.m. feeding, she sleeps for about six hours before waking up hungry. We consider ourselves very lucky to be able to sleep well at night. Maya's eyes have got more focused and when carrying her, she will stare deep into one's eyes, mesmerizing them. She coos and giggles and makes her likes and dislikes very clear. Our Maya is truly an angel and we are so blessed to have her in our lives.

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