Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Maya's First Christmas

Maya's Christmas celebration began on Christmas Eve when she went to Shapai and Shamai's home for dinner. The house was beautifully decorated with a tree, ornaments, and lots of Christmas knick knacks. When we walked in we got the aroma of Shamai's roast. After some appetizers, we sat down for dinner and then got ready to open our presents. Maya was in her usual form, asleep in her car seat. We gathered around the tree and opened the wealth of presents that Santa had brought us. Shapai, Shamai, and Marlon seemed to really like the presents Maya got them. Later on that night, we went for midnight mass at Our Lady of the Valley. Maya looked beautiful in her red dress and red shoes. We had to wake her up to get them on, but after dressing and feeding her, her happy disposition resurfaced. The whole family came to church for the midnight mass and Maya was so well behaved. Despite the incense, loud music, and long sermon, she slept through the entire mass. After midnight mass, it was off to sleepy time so that we could be up early Christmas morning to head over to Grandma and Grandpa Smith's for the opening of presents.
After about three hours of sleep, we woke up excited on Christmas morning and after feeding Maya, we headed over to Grandma's house. The Santa Ana winds were hurricane strength and it made it very difficult for Brad and I to carry all the presents over. Maya's cup runneth over on Christmas morning as Santa had dropped presents covering the entire surface of the living room. After opening presents, we got ready for Christmas dinner. The turkey went into the oven, the living room was cleaned out, the potatoes were peeled, and the casseroles were baked (all except my cornbread casserole...or should I say soup). All of Brad's and my family got together and the Smith's home was filled with about 40 uncles, aunts, and cousins. Maya was passed around from auntie to auntie and loved being the center of attention. After a hearty dinner, and lots of great desserts, we said goodbye to everybody, helped Grandma a bit and headed home...feet tired, backs aching, and happy as ever. Maya's first Christmas was surely one to remember.

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