Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Dayling Savings Time

Sitting forward in the pram like a big girl.

Tasting the lemon off our lemon tree and looking at Dad for his approval.

This is such a great blessing - an extra few weeks of longer days. It has allowed us to spend more awake time with Maya. When we get home from work we go out for a long walk around our neighborhood. Since Maya is now a big girl, she sits forward in her stroller and looks out at the world - it's a whole new vantage point for her. Maya visits with the chickens and the bunnies, we smell the flowers along the way, and talk about how our day was. There is a little Vietnamese man who lives a few doors down from us, and Maya makes it a point to visit him and check on his building progress...we think he is building a grotto in his front yard. She smiles at him, coos, and almost brings him to tears. When we get back we are rested and relaxed. Maya then sleeps the whole night through!

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