Saturday, September 15, 2007

Maya's First Baby Shower

Today was our first baby shower thrown by my Mum. It included so many friends that I have known from the time I was a teenager. These friends have seen me grow and been a part of the important milestones in my life. It was great seeing everyone and feeling like a very special Mom-to-Be. Besides the house being beautifully decorated (with the solitary Feliz Batismo balloon - my Mom's idea of a joke), the food was great, the cake was to die for, and the presents were so many. Maya's cup does runneth over.
My Dad carved a cradle out of a watermelon and filled it with a fruit salad. My Mum made a lovely chicken and rice casserole and couscous. Marlon helped out with all the decorating, eventhough he had to rush to work that morning. Grandma Betty made her famous punch and green salad, and Auntie Vivian made spicy corn fritters. The cake was from Plusco's and it was a yummy white cake filled with a champagne custard. Maria was in charge of the games and boy were they fun. My stomach was measured, very twisted motherly advice was shared, and the guests' memory was tested. When it came time to open the presents, I was excited to see what pretty gifts Maya had got. Onesies, a Taiwanese traditional silk two-piece, a pram, a bouncy chair, lots and lots of clothes, a "silver" spoon from Grandma Betty, great reading for us padres, accessories for her nursery, and last, but not least, gifts for her Mommy too. Maya's extended family has once again showered us with love. All her aunties have already begun to spoil her.
I know that my Mom is thrilled to be having a grandchild and that this shower is just one of the many ways that she has showered Maya, Brad and I with her love! As for my Dad, the watermelon cradle says it all. Friends, love, and support...Maya, Brad, and I are so lucky to have these and more in our lives.

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