Saturday, December 15, 2007

Bath Time

Maya gets sponge baths every day, but on Saturdays she gets a real bath. We setup our bath station in the kitchen sink and the little angel gets a full immersion bath. When we first started our immersion baths Maya was very skittish and would wiggle a lot, but she has now come to really enjoy her baths. I think Maya will turn out to be a water baby. Once the bath water has been checked, Maya is immersed and with a measuring cup, I pour some water over her head. She is really brave about water dripping into her eyes. Once all the nooks and crannies are washed, it's time to turn over and pour warm water over the back. Maya loves it when her stomach touches the water - it's almost like she's swimming. After washing all the soap off, we wrap up really warm and cuddly and are off to the changing station. Bath time is so much fun!

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