Friday, December 14, 2007

Maya's First Visit to the North Pole

The Smiths in the Xmas Spirit

Maya, all bundled up and ready to face the cold.

Mummy and Maya at the North Pole

Mummy showing off her snow bunny.

The Smith Family meets Santa Claus

For Maya Rose, the North Pole was located at Travel Town in Burbank. Brad surprised us with a nightime rendevous with none other than Mr. Claus. After a very successful physical therapy appointment, we piled into our trusty Corolla and braved Friday night traffic. Once we got to Travel Town, we piled into a train that took us to the North Pole. On the way we saw lots of reindeer, candy canes, snowmen, and lots and lots of fairy lights. It was 49 degrees so Maya was bundled up in her snow bunny outfit and wrapped in a warm blanket.
After standing in line and feeding, Maya had the energy to sit on Santa's lap and tell him what she wanted for Christmas...wonder what she asked for. Her first visit with Santa was a success and even Santa commented on what a beautiful child she was. The people in line were also taken aback by her I sound like a proud Mum or what? After our visit with Santa we took a return train ride back to our car and onto another adventure...Sebastians.

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