Thursday, December 13, 2007

Santa Has a New Elf

Santa Claus recruited a beautiful little elf named Maya Rose. She has a button nose, rosebud lips, three chins, rosy cheeks, a thick head of hair, and chubby arms and legs. At seven weeks this elf is now responding to our voices with giggles and smiles. Maya has a swing that keeps her busy for hours. As she swings back and forth watching the mobile overhead, she listens to what sounds like church music. This swing allows her Mummy and Daddy to eat dinner and watch TV in peace. This swing hypnotizes the little elf and sends her into slumber. Maya is now very animated, laughing when tickled and giggling away at her reflection. Her sleep patterns are getting more consistent and she has increased the amount of milk she has. The eating and resting is a good thing since Santa is going to depend on little Maya these next few days as he races around the world.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She is soooo cute!! we all wish her the best at The Pain Relief Center !!