Monday, December 31, 2007


To all our friends and family around the world - may 2008 bring you good health, happiness, peace, and love.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Christmas in Pictures

Shamai and Shapai

Uncle Marlon and Me
After my Christmas bath I wore a onesie that said, "#1 on Santa's List"

Shamai makes me laugh

Padrinho Loris and Madrinha Roopali

Cousin Ryan tickling me

Daddy is giving me some sustinance so that I can party on!

Shamai and Mummy

Mummy and Daddy

Shapai and Me on Christmas Day

Shammy, Shappy, and Me

Grammy B. and Mummy...they are wiped out!

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Maya's First Christmas

Maya's Christmas celebration began on Christmas Eve when she went to Shapai and Shamai's home for dinner. The house was beautifully decorated with a tree, ornaments, and lots of Christmas knick knacks. When we walked in we got the aroma of Shamai's roast. After some appetizers, we sat down for dinner and then got ready to open our presents. Maya was in her usual form, asleep in her car seat. We gathered around the tree and opened the wealth of presents that Santa had brought us. Shapai, Shamai, and Marlon seemed to really like the presents Maya got them. Later on that night, we went for midnight mass at Our Lady of the Valley. Maya looked beautiful in her red dress and red shoes. We had to wake her up to get them on, but after dressing and feeding her, her happy disposition resurfaced. The whole family came to church for the midnight mass and Maya was so well behaved. Despite the incense, loud music, and long sermon, she slept through the entire mass. After midnight mass, it was off to sleepy time so that we could be up early Christmas morning to head over to Grandma and Grandpa Smith's for the opening of presents.
After about three hours of sleep, we woke up excited on Christmas morning and after feeding Maya, we headed over to Grandma's house. The Santa Ana winds were hurricane strength and it made it very difficult for Brad and I to carry all the presents over. Maya's cup runneth over on Christmas morning as Santa had dropped presents covering the entire surface of the living room. After opening presents, we got ready for Christmas dinner. The turkey went into the oven, the living room was cleaned out, the potatoes were peeled, and the casseroles were baked (all except my cornbread casserole...or should I say soup). All of Brad's and my family got together and the Smith's home was filled with about 40 uncles, aunts, and cousins. Maya was passed around from auntie to auntie and loved being the center of attention. After a hearty dinner, and lots of great desserts, we said goodbye to everybody, helped Grandma a bit and headed home...feet tired, backs aching, and happy as ever. Maya's first Christmas was surely one to remember.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Back at Work, Tree Decorating, Oh My...

Leaving for work this morning was one of the most difficult experiences I had. Maya was awake and in a playful mood. Thank goodness Grandma Betty was going to take care of her as I could not fathom the thought of leaving her with a stranger. I had power prepped this weekend making easy weekday meals, organizing my closet, wrapping the last of the Christmas presents, and making sure that Maya's stuff was organized. Brad got sick on Saturday night so I was nursing him (back to health) as well.
I dressed up in something that would make me look really slim as I am still conscious about my leftover belly, styled my hair, made myself up, and actually had some breakfast before heading out the door. Maya was in Grandma Betty's arms and she looked straight at me with a smile. I knew that she was going to be in the best of care, but it still hurt to leave my little baby.
The people at work seemed glad to have me back and they made me feel so special by asking about Maya. I had an album of Maya's pictures to keep me sane, and I even called Betty to check in on the princess. The day flew by at medium speed and soon it was time to come home.
When Brad and I got home, we quickly ate and headed out the door to find our Christmas tree. We found a beautiful Douglas Fir that was round and full. After we got home, we made some hot chocolate, put Maya in her swing, and got to decorating. Our tree looks wonderful, our home festive, I am pooped, and ready to hit the hay.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Bath Time

Maya gets sponge baths every day, but on Saturdays she gets a real bath. We setup our bath station in the kitchen sink and the little angel gets a full immersion bath. When we first started our immersion baths Maya was very skittish and would wiggle a lot, but she has now come to really enjoy her baths. I think Maya will turn out to be a water baby. Once the bath water has been checked, Maya is immersed and with a measuring cup, I pour some water over her head. She is really brave about water dripping into her eyes. Once all the nooks and crannies are washed, it's time to turn over and pour warm water over the back. Maya loves it when her stomach touches the water - it's almost like she's swimming. After washing all the soap off, we wrap up really warm and cuddly and are off to the changing station. Bath time is so much fun!

Friday, December 14, 2007

Maya's First Visit to the North Pole

The Smiths in the Xmas Spirit

Maya, all bundled up and ready to face the cold.

Mummy and Maya at the North Pole

Mummy showing off her snow bunny.

The Smith Family meets Santa Claus

For Maya Rose, the North Pole was located at Travel Town in Burbank. Brad surprised us with a nightime rendevous with none other than Mr. Claus. After a very successful physical therapy appointment, we piled into our trusty Corolla and braved Friday night traffic. Once we got to Travel Town, we piled into a train that took us to the North Pole. On the way we saw lots of reindeer, candy canes, snowmen, and lots and lots of fairy lights. It was 49 degrees so Maya was bundled up in her snow bunny outfit and wrapped in a warm blanket.
After standing in line and feeding, Maya had the energy to sit on Santa's lap and tell him what she wanted for Christmas...wonder what she asked for. Her first visit with Santa was a success and even Santa commented on what a beautiful child she was. The people in line were also taken aback by her I sound like a proud Mum or what? After our visit with Santa we took a return train ride back to our car and onto another adventure...Sebastians.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Santa Has a New Elf

Santa Claus recruited a beautiful little elf named Maya Rose. She has a button nose, rosebud lips, three chins, rosy cheeks, a thick head of hair, and chubby arms and legs. At seven weeks this elf is now responding to our voices with giggles and smiles. Maya has a swing that keeps her busy for hours. As she swings back and forth watching the mobile overhead, she listens to what sounds like church music. This swing allows her Mummy and Daddy to eat dinner and watch TV in peace. This swing hypnotizes the little elf and sends her into slumber. Maya is now very animated, laughing when tickled and giggling away at her reflection. Her sleep patterns are getting more consistent and she has increased the amount of milk she has. The eating and resting is a good thing since Santa is going to depend on little Maya these next few days as he races around the world.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Shopping for Maya

Well, this year, Christmas shopping has taken on a whole new dimension. It's been difficult getting to the stores, but thanks to Grandma Betty, I have been able to get quite a bit done. I usually do my shopping through the year as I see things that people may like and try to get everything wrapped way before December 20th. Having just met Maya seven weeks ago, I am now getting an idea of what she will like. The problem with this is that I am reliving my entire childhood through her. My shopping cart has been piled with dolls, a doll house, a radio flyer wagon, a kitchen set, shoes, clothes for a toddler, and all sorts of ridiculous stuff. Thank goodness my brain restarted itself and helped me rationalize the situation and put the stuff back on shelves. Instead, I settled for some rattles, books, lots of cute infant onesies, a red velvet dress with shoes to match, a porcelain ballerina pig piggy bank, and some learning toys.
Thanks to our good fortune this year, Maya will be blessed with a household full of love, warmth, grandparents, family, friends, and a few extra items under the Christmas tree.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Maya's First Christmas Party

Yesterday, we bundled Maya up and took her down to Playa Vista for the Rhythm & Hues holiday party. Brad was such the proud Papa showing off his little girl. Maya made quite an impression on everyone as we toured the buildings and met many of Brad's colleagues.
The party was great. There was a full holiday buffet with ham, turkey and all the fixings, a great appetizer buffet and a killer dessert buffet. Maya was awake for most of the party and after taking a tour of the studios and production areas, she slept soundly. What a great start to her holiday season.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Monday, December 3, 2007

Grandma Betty's Living Doll

Maya has a Grandma Betty who has a great love for dolls, as can be seen in her doll collection. She has a beautiful Russian doll dressed in lace and gold threads, a cute sailor boy doll, pretty Victorian dolls, and lots and lots of others. Now, Grandma has her very own living doll. Grandma calls Maya Rose her dolly with smooth skin, big blue eyes with long eyelashes, rosebud pink lips, and hair that can be styled. Maya Rose can play dress up in the many outfits that she has and even poses for Grandma when pictures are taken. Can you tell who the doll is?

Monday, November 26, 2007

Letter to Maya

Hello Princess Bonkuli:
I know, I know...this is a nickname that will only last until the day before you start school...I promise. I call you Princess Bonkuli because you, first and foremost, are my princess, and second, your bonkuli (butt) is so tiny and cute that it fits in the palm of my hand. It is now clear that the bump I felt protrude from my tummy was you, sticking your butt out at me.
It has been about a month since we met and what a great month it has been. You have taught me love like I have never felt before. I drown in your eyes and am brought to tears by your gurgling sounds. I missed your birth, eventhough I was there; the drugs made me loopy and I don't remember much of the day you were born. Your Daddy showed me a video of your birth and I got to experience everything, without the pain. What a cry you let out, letting us all know that you were here, and ready to live! What an attitude to start life with...I am so proud of you.
Thank your for giving me such a positive perspective when my hormones got the better of me. I would look at you when I felt like crying and my heart would well up with such warmth for you. You have been very kind to your Daddy and me with your sleep pattern. Thank you for giving us the quality of life that allows us to take care of you and ourselves.
My favorite time with you is when I feed you and you grab onto my breast, or onto my shirt. You look up at me when you feed and you talk to me with your eyes. I sometimes hear you say "Hi Mum." I love putting you on my bed after your early morning feed and snuggling with you until it's time to wake up again. You press up against me and I can feel you breathe, and as I gently caress your cheek, you coo. I love our little silly songs about burping and pooping and feeding and how you laugh when I blow on your tummy or nibble your toes.
I could go on and on, but it's time that I get some sleep before your midnight feed. Good night my Princess Bonkuli and I will see you when the clock strikes twelve.
Your Mummy

Saturday, November 24, 2007

One Month Mark

Maya Rose turned one month old today. She has changed so much since her birth. Her hair is getting long, especially around her ears and her eyelashes have thickened and got longer as well. She is more animated, if you can believe that. Her thousand expressions are still there, but some are more expressed than others. After she feeds, she turns into a mini drunken sailor with droopy eyes and a droopy mouth. There are times when I think my little girl suffers from narcolepsy because she feeds and when burping, she immediately passes out. Maya now drinks four ounces of milk every three-four hours. She sleeps between most feeds, but after her morning feed, she likes to play. After her 7:00 p.m. feeding, she sleeps for about six hours before waking up hungry. We consider ourselves very lucky to be able to sleep well at night. Maya's eyes have got more focused and when carrying her, she will stare deep into one's eyes, mesmerizing them. She coos and giggles and makes her likes and dislikes very clear. Our Maya is truly an angel and we are so blessed to have her in our lives.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

Brad and I have so much to be thankful for this year, most of all, our Maya Rose. She is now four weeks old and gets cuter and more animated by the minute. Her hair is getting longer, her eyelashes are getting fuller and longer, her eyes are getting bluer, and her cheeks are getting fuller. Maya smiles, coos, and makes a thousand different expressions keeping us fully engaged. She has such a happy and relaxed personality.
Maya's first Thanksgiving was spent at the home of Auntie Al and Uncle Ed. She was the star of the feast being ooohed and ahhhhed over by all the aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandparents. Her feast consisted of a 4oz bottle of milk after which she went into a deep slumber, allowing us to sit down to a bountiful feast.
After visiting for a while, we packed up and came home, satisfied, loved, and thankful for the many gifts that God has granted us.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

No Country For Old Men...Do Bearded Ones Count?

The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors. Tonight we decided to head to the movies to watch No Country For Old Men, a movie that got straight A's from the critics and from moviegoers. Shapai and Shamai were kind enough to look after Maya for a couple of hours. After bundling her up and taking her over the the grandparents, we headed over to the Woodland Hills AMC for our movie. As expected, it was crowded with teenie boppers and overzealous moviegoers, and the only seats available were those that wreck havoc on the necks, way up front in the theater. After getting a quick refund, we raced over to the Arclight in Hollywood only to find out that the movie was sold out. So, no old men for us tonight, at least not the type that we thought. After driving all the way to Hollywood, we decided not to waste our night, so we drove around a bit and stopped at the Kodak complex. It was there that I found my new favorite old man...Beard Papa. (
What is Beard Papa? Well, it's a Japanese phenomenon that Brad introduced me to earlier this week. Beard Papas are decadent cream puffs - large flaky shells filled will the smoothest vanilla, chocolate, caramel, strawberry, or mango creams. There are only three stores in southern California, and one was staring right at us at the Kodak complex. We walked in, got our Beard Papas (I had a caramel flavored one and Brad had chocolate), topped it off with milk, and called it a night. So we didn't get to see No Country For Old Men, but if we had, I would have not had my Beard Papa tonight.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

The Dreaded Poop Story

Maya has been on a consistent diet of breast milk and formula, and from the time she was born, it was a known fact that a poopy diaper awaited us before and after every feeding. This week has been a little different as the poopy diapers are few and far between. Mummy has even gone as far as praying for poop to ensure that Maya was not constipated. Well, Mummy's prayers were answered yesterday, on Daddy's lap. As he was feeding her, he could feel the depth chargers being released, and the nuclear reactors being activated, but nothing readied him for what he saw in that diaper. Daddy walked back from the nursery, Maya in his arms, looking like a zombie. It was as if he had gone to Chernobyl and back. He ensured me that my prayers were definitely answered and that Maya had well made up for being poopless. The motions are now regular, feedings still on schedule, and as I write this, Maya sleeps peacefully in her swing. My, how the focus of my prayers has changed.
Instead of burdening you with a picture of the nuclear accident that our nursery suffered yesterday, I have opted for a bath time snap. Enjoy.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Brad Goes Off to Work...

Today Brad left for work after being home with us for 18 days. I was not looking forward to today because Brad has been a strong source of support in getting adjusted to life with Maya. My fear was that I would not be able to deal with diaper or feeding crises without him as he has been a yell away for the last three weeks. I also feared the loneliness I would feel being alone with Maya. Last night, I did all the feeding and diaper changes so that Brad would have a night of uninterrupted sleep before heading back to work. I felt sleep deprived and exhausted when he left, but Maya and I lay down together and got three more hours of sleep. Well, I am more than happy to say that the day went pretty smoothly. Maya and I got along just fine. After a couple of hours of not being able to put her down to sleep, Grandma Betty came over and gave me a bit of a breather. I took a longed for shower, had a bite of lunch, and got a chance to wind down. Maya lay down to sleep after a new 5oz record of milk. She is growing so fast and is looking like the prettiest little girl. Maya slept for most of the afternoon and I got to clean up the house a bit, organize all her paperwork, get started on her photo album, and even put some dinner in the oven.
I've got to give myself more credit as a mother, and have faith that I can take care of our little girl well. Luckily, I have Grandma Betty at close hand, and a Bubu who will be home in an hour and a half.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Friday, November 9, 2007

Friday Night at the Smiths

Our Friday nights used to consist of figuring out where to go out and eat, and then cuddling up to a DVD, or to our favorite Pay Per View movie. Friday night has changed quite a bit. Here are some images to explain this change...

Visiting Shamai, Shapai, and Uncle Marlon

Yesterday evening we took Maya to her Indian grandparents' home. Shamai and Shapai were so happy to have her over. Maya was awake (it was just before her feeding) and alert. Shamai held her and fed her and sang to her in Konkani. Shapai is a little more wary of her small size, but soon he was singing to her and talking in the silliest language. Maya turns her grandparents to mush. Uncle Marlon soon came home and as soon as he took Maya, she calmed down and stared in his eyes. He has a very calming way with her. After our visit, we bundled up tight and headed out for the minute drive home.

Shamai and Uncle Marlon playing with Maya

Shapai and Shamai with Maya in the kitchen

Some strange man giving the family the "thumbs up"

Shamai with Maya - does she have tears in her eyes, again?

Bundled up in the car seat ready to head home.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Date Night at Benihanas

Brad and I were lucky enough to get some time for a date night. We joined our friends Simon and Lisa, with their houseguest Mike, at Benihanas. After drinks, we were led to our table where we got to enjoy the artistry of the Benihana chefs. Brad ordered his tradition chicken, while I relished in ordering a seafood plate. Conversation was adult, the company was adult, and it was nice to get back into the "normal" world for a little bit.
Maya was at home in the capable care of Gramma Betty. When we got back, we got an excellent report on Maya, who fed, yet again, and got a good night's rest.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Our First Family Outing (November 6, 2007)

After having been in the house for a week and a half, only venturing out for doctor visits, Maya, Brad, and I decided to take our first family outing. We drove all the way from Canoga Park to Agoura Hills and visited Paramount Ranch. The afternoon was a typical Californian one with lots of sunshine, blue skies, and fairly warm temperatures. This outing was a good test for the Graco Metrolite stroller, and it passed with flying colors. Riding over rough western terrain, the Metrolite took our little angel through the set of Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman and over the old bridge to the picnic tables on the grassy knoll. We rested and enjoyed our McDonald's Happy Meals and reminisced of the gestational diabetes days when a burger was just a fantasy.
Maya slept during the entire outing, but from the look on her face we knew that this outing was just what she needed...sunshine and fresh air.

Maya and I.

Brad and I.

Brad and I hamming it up.

Brad and Maya at the old train station.

We packed our Baby Sac and hung it onto the Graco Metrolite.

Maya and her Daddy.

After all the rough riding in the stroller, Maya was still asleep.

Looking onto the Old West set at Paramount Ranch.

Brad and Maya at the old General Store.

Walking through the old buildings.

Leaving Paramount Ranch after a wonderful afternoon.